/For municipalities

Together for an independent sustainable energy supply

Germany wants to master the energy transition and become more independent in terms of energy supply. This presents the electricity infrastructure with complex challenges: instability in the electricity grid, high volatility and high prices.
Stabilizing the power grid is therefore essential. This requires flexible energy storage devices. According to the Fraunhofer Institute, the demand for storage systems will increase by more than 200 times by 2030.


Battery storage as central component of the energy transition

Battery energy storage systems offer a significant opportunity for an independent and sustainable energy supply. The connection to the power grid with its own grid connection enables a wide range of operating strategies.

Generation flexibility

The battery energy storage system can store electricity at times when the energy is not needed and feed it back into the grid when demand is high. Doing so, it reduces congestions in the grid and sharp fluctuations in electricity prices.

Buffering price spikes

The expansion of renewable energy sources increases the volatility of the electricity market. Battery energy storage systems use trade to keep shortages or surpluses as low as possible and thus counteract extreme price fluctuations.

Balancing power

Battery energy storage systems are technically very well suited to compensate for unforeseen grid fluctuations. Within a few milliseconds, the storage systems can stabilize the grid on command and prevent power outages.


This is how your region benefits from storage projects

Pioneering role in the energy transition
Contribution to energy independence
Strengthening and securing local electricity infrastructure
Predictable business tax revenue

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/the path to a battery storage project

The path to a battery storage project

The extensive expansion of renewable energy sources increases the need for infrastructure and services to ensure the stability of the power grid and security of supply. This is because a larger share of renewable energy in the electricity mix leads to increased volatilities and unpredictability in energy generation. Fluctuations in electricity prices are increasing and there is a high synchronicity factor, which is increasingly leading to congestion in the grid. Flexible energy storage systems are essential for stabilizing the grid and integrating renewables in a meaningful way.
But how does the implementation of a battery storage project work?
/ Site selection
When selecting a location for a battery storage project, we always analyze potential sites taking into account network topological, environmental compatibility and construction law aspects. Our large battery storage systems are connected directly to the power grid in order to be able to offer cross-system services. Accordingly, they will mainly be built in close proximity to the existing substation.
/ Grid connection & permit planning
Our project department supervises the entire network connection and permit planning process, always in close cooperation with municipalities and competent authorities. In addition to general technical planning, all relevant concepts are also created and developed.
/ Detailed planning & implementation planning
General planning is converted into detailed planning. Together with our technical departments, our project management department designs battery energy storage systems that are optimally designed for use cases and the location. After the building permit has been approved, the individual battery storage components are ordered by our purchasing department.
/ civil engineering works
With the support of our project management team, the site is being prepared for the construction of the storage containers. The civil engineering work opens the construction site - the building ground is being prepared, cable ditches are dug and foundations are poured. During the construction phase, we always make sure to use service providers and sub-contractors from the region.
/ Battery energy STORAGE system delivery (BESS)
The battery energy storage systems (BESS) are delivered and installed. A BESS system consists of the battery containers and battery models themselves, cooling systems, transformers, inverters and the company building. The compact battery containers are anchored to the foundations. Such a container is just under three meters high.
/ INSERTING the battery modules
Depending on the storage manufacturer, the battery containers arrive at the construction site already fully filled or are filled and wired on site with the individual battery modules.
/ Electrical & mechanical installations
Electrical work begins on the storage system. The cables and individual components are connected and the energy management system, the plant control system and all IT components are installed.
/ Grid connection & test phase
For the first time, the battery storage system is connected to the power grid via the nearby substation. This is followed by the so-called "energization" of the system and a variety of functional tests to ensure easy start-up.
After a few months of construction and successful commissioning, the battery storage system is undergoing trial operation and can then take on important system-related tasks in the power grid.

Questions & answers

What causes the high need for expansion of power grids?

As a result of the increasing share of renewable energy in the energy mix, the requirements for the power grid have changed significantly. Due to the geographical relocation of electricity generation, additional transmission and distribution capacities are necessary. This requires the expansion of high-voltage and high-voltage roads. The main problems with the urgently needed new network infrastructure are the massive costs, the very long construction times and the acceptance of the public. As a result, grid expansion in many regions is lagging behind demand and cannot keep pace with the expansion of renewable energies.

Why do large battery storage systems help to reduce the expansion requirements of energy networks?

From today's perspective, battery storage systems are the most economical option for bringing urgently needed flexibility and stability to power grids in the short term. The decentralized storage of electricity in battery storage systems reduces the acute need for expansion. As a result, fewer lines and substations need to be built. At the same time, greater integration of renewable energy sources and independence from external energy sources is made possible.
More information

Why does Kyon rely on large lithium-ion battery storage?

In principle, we aim to make as large a contribution as possible to the energy revolution with our projects and are therefore continuously comparing all technical solutions for energy storage. With less than 10% losses between power consumption and feed-in, large stationary lithium-ion battery storage systems have a significant advantage over other storage systems such as hydrogen electrolysis with over 60% or traditional pumped storage power plants with 20-30% losses. Lithium-ion battery storage systems can also react very dynamically to fluctuations in the power grid and provide energy in fractions of a second if necessary - this is crucial for grid stability when unexpected events and disruptions occur in the power grid. The high energy density of the storage systems results in low land consumption and low interference with nature and the environment. Since this is a sophisticated technology, development, approval and construction times can be planned very easily. All systems used by Kyon Energy can also be recycled after the end of their useful life so that the valuable battery raw materials are not lost.

What are the capacity/performance of the battery storage systems?

Depending on the size of the battery storage device, its capacity and performance also vary. Projects currently completed each have an output of around 20 MW and a maximum usable capacity of 24 MWh. Significantly larger 100 MW storage projects are already being planned. By way of comparison, an average household in Germany consumes around 8.5 kWh of electricity per day; at peak time in the morning and evening hours, the consumption is 0.62 kW. A battery storage system with 20 MW output and 40 MWh capacity can therefore supply over 30,000 households for two hours at peak time. With a 100 MW battery storage system, there are already over 150,000 households.

Can the municipality buy electricity directly from the battery storage system or use it autonomously?

Our projects do not provide for direct purchase of battery storage systems, as they are connected directly to the distribution network and thus serve as the general power supply. Here, they ensure the stability and independence of the power grid and thus contribute in the long term to keeping electricity prices stable or even reducing them.

Can the battery storage systems guarantee a black start in the event of power outages?

The battery storage systems planned by Kyon meet the technical requirements to ensure a black start. In Germany, however, this is not yet possible from a regulatory perspective. Current court proceedings concern the market-based procurement of the Schwarzstart system service. As long as the market for them is not yet open, batteries will be prevented from offering their black start capability to grid operators for formal reasons in practice.