Large-scale battery storage systems are an indispensable piece of the puzzle for building an independent and sustainable European energy system. The extensive expansion of renewable energy sources increases the need for infrastructure and services in order to power grid stability and the security of supply to ensure. Large-scale battery storage systems are ideally suited to meet these requirements and can also be used flexibly and highly profitably for electricity trading on the energy market. In order to obtain 65%* of its energy requirements from renewable sources by 2030, Germany needs around 83 GWh of energy storage capacity, of which only 0.45 GWh was installed in 2021. This exorbitant growth (CAGR of 78.6%) of energy storage demand represents an unprecedented opportunity to invest in the energy infrastructure of the future.
If you would like to learn more about Kyon Energy and the potential of investing in energy storage infrastructure, we look forward to hearing from you.
* The federal government recently set the target of 80% renewable energy in 2030
Kyon Energy is one of market leader in the area of project development for grid-connected large battery storage systems in Germany. We have successfully implemented projects with a total volume of over 120 MW and built a pipeline of more than 7 GW. Efficient processes combined with a strong network of partners and suppliers are a key to the rapid and successful development and implementation of our projects. Kyon Energy covers the entire project planning value chain, from site security to handing over turnkey storage. Our experts specialize in developing the optimal layout with appropriate operating strategies. Through the Kyon multi-use strategy stable basic revenue is ensured, while the intelligent marketing of the storage system on the power exchange enables an attractive return. The flexible switching between operating modes makes it possible to react quickly to changing market conditions. In this way, favorable events can be exploited in the short term and at the same time new sources of income can be developed in the long term, resulting from market and regulatory developments.
We are happy to provide you with deeper insights into the energy storage systems market, including details on the state of the art, regulatory frameworks, risk management, and future developments.