
Kyon Energy, VERBUND and ECO STOR realize 42MW battery storage chain in Northern Bavaria 

New plants with a total of 42 megawatts of storage capacity commissioned in Diespeck and Iphofen. 

Diespeck/Iphofen, Bavaria, January 30, 2023. Kyon Energy, a project and business developer specialized in battery energy storage systems, VERBUND, Austria's largest energy supplier, and ECO STOR GmbH, a German-Norwegian EPC have commissioned battery storage systems with a total capacity of 42 MW. The two plants (20.7 MW each) were realized in Diespeck and Iphofen in northern Bavaria. They represent the first cooperation between Verbund and Kyon Energy.

Storage solutions play a key role for a modern and renewable energy supply. Large-scale battery storage systems provide security for critical infrastructure, integrats more renewable energy into the power supply and reduce electricity price peaks by reducing the load on the power grids. The Northern Bavaria battery storage chain is connected to the grid of N-Ergie Netz GmbH in the TenneT control area and marks an important milestone for a secure power supply in the Bavarian region.  

Since their connection to the power grid, the two battery storage facilities have been providing important grid-serving system services. By providing primary control power, they stabilize the grid frequency, the provision of flexibilities on SPOT and intraday trading buffers price peaks, and overall they compensate for the volatilities in power generation from renewable energies.

"Green electricity from PV and wind must reach the grid even faster and better than before. Building electrical lines alone is not enough. Intelligent systems like the new battery storage system here in Diespeck are important. We need more of these. Storage and, in the future, electrolysers for green hydrogen are game changers for the expansion of renewables. " says Hubert Aiwanger, Bavarian Minister of Economic Affairs. "Conventional grid expansion alone will not be enough in the future. Today is therefore a first energy industry highlight for Bavaria in this still young year. I would like to thank VERBUND, ECO STOR and Kyon Energy for their willingness to invest in Bavaria's energy transition."

"No successful energy transition without storage. Only if we succeed in integrating fluctuating forms of generation into strong and stable grids can a renewable future succeed: every kilowatt hour that can be generated must also be allowed to be generated without endangering grid stability. Every kilowatt hour that is generated must also be able to be made available when it is actually needed. The VERBUND battery storage chain Northern Bavaria, makes a valuable contribution to this. We are fully focused on the energy future: VERBUND plans to install a total of 1 GW of battery storage capacity by the end of 2030," emphasizes Michael Strugl, CEO of VERBUND.

"Battery storage is indispensable for the expansion of renewable energies and for security of supply in Germany: it is the most efficient option for bringing urgently needed flexibility to the grids. The joint battery storage projects of Kyon Energy, VERBUND and ECO STOR are therefore an important step for the energy transition. As one of the market leaders in the project planning of large-scale battery storage in Germany, we at Kyon Energy are driving forward the nationwide expansion," says Florian Antwerpen, Managing Director of Kyon Energy.

Steffen Syvertsen, CEO of Å Energi emphasized: "Å Energi has a long tradition in providing reliable and flexible energy from renewable hydropower. The current energy crisis has highlighted the importance of storage capacity for an efficient, clean and reliable energy supply - a basic requirement for successful industrialized countries. Battery storage provides security for critical grid infrastructure, resolves grid congestion, and helps reduce electricity price spikes. By avoiding the use of fossil fuel power plants, they also contribute to decarbonization. With our subsidiary, ECO STOR, Å Energi plans to expand large-scale battery storage capacities in Germany and Europe. We are therefore delighted with the result of the partnership between VERBUND, ECO STOR and Kyon Energy: the showcase battery storage facilities in Diespeck and Iphofen."

Both plants comprise six storage units each, consisting of enclosures with lithium-ion battery cells, inverters and transformers. The multifunctional large-scale battery storage systems are economically viable and hold their own in the energy system entirely without subsidies.

VERBUND is Austria's leading energy company and one of the largest producers of electricity from hydropower in Europe. The company has been shaping the future of energy since 1947 and is active in all stages of the value chain: From electricity generation and transportation to trading and sales. VERBUND trades electricity in 12 countries and generated annual revenue of around EUR 4.8 billion in 2021 with around 3,200 employees. The company has set itself the goal of installing a total of 1 GW of storage by the end of 2030.

The company was founded by a team of innovators in the utility-scale battery market and developed the high-performance 3.5 MW and 4 MWh battery system "ES-3450". It has been deployed in 7 projects with cumulative deployments of 108 MWh in 2022. Currently, the team of 30 hardware and software engineers, energy market and supply chain experts are adapting the system design to the opportunities of the 2025+ energy markets and scaling the project size to deliver over 100 MW and higher investor returns.

About Kyon Energy
Energy is a German project and business development company focused on large-scale battery storage systems. With 121 MW of battery storage systems successfully developed and sold with partners in 2022 and a current project pipeline of >1GW, Kyon Energy is one of the market leaders in Germany. The company has a particular focus in the development and optimization of multi-use strategies, combined with deep expertise in project development and management as well as regulation of large-scale battery storage. Through its battery storage systems, Kyon Energy is a driver of the energy transition and strives for a world powered by renewable, sustainable and independent energy.

Marta Bitti
Senior Marketing & Communications Managerin‍