
Kyon Energy to realize 40 megawatt hours of large-scale battery storage project in Schleswig-Holstein

  • Plant has 20 megawatts of storage capacity and provides 40 megawatt hours of storage capacity for the German power grid and the energy transition
  • New battery storage system approved in Großenwiehe, Schleswig-Holstein

Munich, 05.06.2024, Kyon Energy, a leading project development company for large-scale battery storage from Munich, will realize a new storage facility in Großenwiehe, Schleswig-Holstein. The approval granted for the project marks an important milestone in the expansion of energy storage capacities in the region. The facility will have a storage capacity of 20 megawatts and a storage capacity of 40 megawatt hours and will be built in the immediate vicinity of the Schobüll substation. The large-scale battery storage facility is scheduled to go into operation at the end of 2025.

Battery storage systems, such as the one in Großenwiehe, are designed to store surplus energy from renewable energy sources and feed it back into the grid when required. The system will participate in both the balancing power market and the wholesale market. This will increase the security of supply in the region and improve the flexibility of the electricity grid. In this way, it will make a significant contribution to the success of the energy transition.

"As the proportion of renewable energies in the electricity mix increases, so does the need for flexible large-scale battery storage systems. They compensate for fluctuations in the power grid within seconds, prevent grid overloads and are therefore key to a reliable and socially acceptable power supply," comments Florian Antwerpen, one of the managing directors of Kyon Energy.

The mayor of Großenwiehe, Mr. Keno Jaspers, also welcomes the project: "We are particularly pleased that this project is being implemented as an important aspect of the energy transition in our municipality. Großenwiehe set out early on not only to address the issue of the energy transition for itself, but also to implement energy self-sufficiency for our municipality. Through the sustainable establishment and combination of various renewable energies, the planned energy transition for Großenwiehe should not only be in the specifications, but also be fun. We therefore only welcome the fact that Kyon Energy is supporting the path we have already taken by implementing this project in our municipality and providing an important building block for the overall concept, and we look forward to working together."

By integrating the storage system into the distribution grid, it will be possible to effectively balance out energy fluctuations and further optimize the use of renewable energies. Kyon Energy is thus setting a further example for sustainable development and the future viability of the energy supply in Germany.

About Kyon Energy

Kyon Energy is a German project development company focusing on large-scale battery storage systems. With 121 MW of battery storage systems successfully developed and sold with partners, over 650 MW of approved and ready-to-build projects and a current project pipeline of over 7 GW, Kyon Energy is one of the market leaders in Germany. The company has a particular focus on the development and optimization of multi-use strategies, combined with in-depth expertise in project development and management as well as the regulation of large-scale battery storage systems. Through its battery storage systems, Kyon Energy is a driver of the energy transition and strives for a world powered by renewable, sustainable and independent energy.

Marta Bitti
Senior Marketing & Communications Managerin‍